Friday, December 4, 2009

Wow, It's been a loooong time!

~So I've decided to try and take some time to get on our family blog and do some major updating since it's been way too long! Our page has been very neglected thanks to me:( Lol, with the holidays coming up I thought it'd be a good start (and my sister in law Tristen has been on me about this, so we can all thank her as well;)

Anyways, we had a fantastic falltime. The kids were so excited for Halloween, Gabe dressed up as Spongebob, Bella as a ladybug, Kaden as a grim reaper. October was a funfilled month for us all, including Bella's first birthday! A year came and went faster than the blink of an eye...I wish time would slow down for a second so I can enjoy these early years more....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Day

Mother's day was just this last sunday, and what a great day it was. I was lying in bed, and I heard Bella babbling and yelling in her crib. I began to get out of bed to go to her, and Aaron jumped up before me and told me to go back to sleep...yay! So I snuggled up under my sheets and dozed back to sleep...actually in and out of sleep. I could hear little feet pattering around and pots and pans banging, and then the aroma of bacon, eggs, and sausage wafting into my room which made my mouth water....I gave the kids and Aaron a few minutes to finish things up , and decided to get up, where I found a nice breakfast feast waiting for me...along with cards, a huge bag of gummy bears (from the boys since they know its my favorite) and money for me to pick out a couple shirts for the summer....Aaron had also hired some guys to come weed our yard and get it looking good..they'd been here all week last week getting it done for me, and it looks awesome...what a great husband! Anyways, later we went over to my mother's house and bbq'd with all my siblings and their kids. The weather was perfect, and the kids spent the whole day playing on the trampoline and running around with the other little gets pretty crazy with all the kids, but so much fun...I love attending these family gatherings at my mom's, and can't believe how fast my family is growing. And it's crazy to think happened all because my Mom and Dad fell in love and got married. None of us would be here if they hadn't gotten together. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful mother, she is a great example to follow, and her mother was also one to set a great example. I don't remember my Grandma Burt very much, but I have some fond memories of playing outside her house and picking flowers for her. I also remember her watching me and Lindsay when we were the age of 2 while our parents were out of town, and I remember her giving us baths and pushing us on the chair swing. Small memories, as I was only the age of 5 or 6 when she passed....I know she was a loving giving person, because she passed down alot of those traits to my mother. I strive to be better each day and be as patient and loving as they were as mothers....anyways, I am so grateful to hold the name "Mother". Having my children has been my biggest accomplishment and achievment, and I'm so grateful to have them, and that they chose me to be there mom!
You were there when we took our first steps,
And went unsteadily across the floor.
You pushed and prodded: encouraged and guided,
Until our steps took us out the door...
You worry now "Are they ok?"
Is there more you could have done?
As we walk the paths of our unknown
You wonder"Where have my children gone?"
Where we are is where you have led us,
With your special love you showed us a way,
To believe in ourselves and the decisions we make.
Taking on the challenge of life day-to-day.
And where we go you can be sure,
In spirit you shall never be alone.
For where you are is what matters most to us,
Because to us that will always be home...
~Author Unknown~

Friday, April 24, 2009

Missing Camera

~So I've wanted to get on my blog and post recent pictures, but our digital camera is missing! I haven't been able to find it since february, and now I'm starting to feel bad...I feel like I'm losing a chunk of time without it, capturing memories of the kids and holiday memories...I think next week I'll have to hop on ebay and find a cheapo camera while I continue to search for the location of it...its a's driving me crazy. Anyways, enough about the camera...we've really been enjoying the warm weather this week! The boys love being outside, riding bikes, exploring, and playing tball. Gabe is instantly into the sports thing, and is a pro already with hitting. Maybe we'll have a little athlete on our hands, that'd be nice;) I guess its time to sign him up for some leagues. Kaden just started school again, and he's already adjusting back to the swing of things. He was excited to go back and see his friends again, and his teacher this year is probably the best he's ever had. She's very patient and soft spoken, which is what he needs in a teacher. He's had some horrible teachers in the past so its refreshing to have one that's so relaxed and easygoing. Kaden isn't into sports like Gabe, he has more of a creative mind, he loves to draw as well as build things. And lets not forget the video games. Lol...I can't believe he's ten! It's amazing to me. I can remember when I was ten and what I enjoyed out of life as well as my everyday thoughts, and I can't believe how long ago it was. The older we get, the faster time flies. It's kind've depressing, but a part of life I guess. This is why I need my camera! I'm so frustrated...I definitely need one before the summer, I love taking pictures in the summer, especially the trips to lake powell and bbqing. I can't wait for the summer!
Since I don't have new pics, I'll post a few pics of some of my favorite summertime pics from the past...not in any particular order, just random fun in the sun pictures=)

These two pics were taken during the 24th of July primary parde. Gabe was age 2 and Kaden was 8 yrs old.

Cousin "Spiderman" Devin, Gabe, and friend Riley during a bbq at Lindsay's

This was taken summer of 2008 at the Heber Valley Railroad "Day With Thomas" event. We go every year, and Gabe really loves it.

Gabe and cousing Conner, taken in Arizona while visiting Aaron's mother who lives there.

These are some different trips to Lake Powell. We go twice every summer, one trip with friends and the other with family...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Behind on my blogging!

I've gotten so behind on here! I need to get on here atleast once a month and update...Anyways, Easter was just last sunday, and the boys were excited to see what the easter bunny brought for them. They got new summer outfits and a couple lego sets, as well as candy...not a whole lot of candy though, since the "Easter Bunny" got to the grocery store too late, and all the good stuff was gone! Lol...We had a nice relaxing easter, and thankfully the weather was nice that day...we went to Mom and Dad Cumming's house for dinner and then to the Pehrson's for a 2nd course.

Anyways, we are all doing good, Gabe is still enjoying preschool, and we're told he is doing really well and excelling in everything. Kaden is offtrack right now, and starts school again next week...he's in Webelos scouts in our ward and really enjoys it...Bella is growing each day, and has two teeth already! Her personality is starting to show, and she's always very happy and pleasant...hopefully she keeps it this way, she's such a delight to our family and Aaron rushes home each day from work just so he can see her smile and squeal when he walks in the room! I recently had her pictures done, and wanted to add some of my favorites...She is such a great addition to our family! I have to admit, I can't wait to have another one!:)




Tuesday, January 20, 2009


~I thought I'd share a short blog about an incident that happened with Gabe tonight...Anyways, this evening I've just been hangin' out with Gabe and Bella; Aaron has gone to the Jazz game with his cousin and brother, so it's just been the 3 of us. I made a nice little dinner and put Bella in her little chair with her bottle while I did the dishes and cleaned up...Gabe was busy doing his favorite thing, which is coloring with his markers and playing legos. Well, I left for only a moment to go use the bathroom, and stopped in my laundry room to do a quick load of wash...the house seemed unusually quiet, and when it's quiet, it means someone is up to no good. I came back to check on Bella, and found Gabe drawing a masterpiece...on Bella's cute little face! I got mad, but had to laugh about it...she just laughed and smiled, so I had to get the camera out and post a pic of Gabe's artwork!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ChRiStMas MeMorieS 2008

So I'm new to this blog thing, so I decided to start out with sharing our Christmas...We had a wonderful time, and I have to say Christmas would not be the same without having the kids here. There was so much excitement and anticipation the air, and Gabe was asking me every day if santa was coming yet or what?! It's nice to have the holiday over with, but I look forward to the next year and seeing the excitement with all the kiddies:)
Kaden and Gabe playing in a blizzard of snow!
Bella on Xmas eve looking at the Christmas tree@Grandma's house...
Little Bella...well, she's not so little anymore! Lol
Gabe with cousin Benny

The kids reinacting the nativity scene!

Gabe playing one of the shepherd boys

Christmas morning! Gabe was so excited!
