Tuesday, January 20, 2009


~I thought I'd share a short blog about an incident that happened with Gabe tonight...Anyways, this evening I've just been hangin' out with Gabe and Bella; Aaron has gone to the Jazz game with his cousin and brother, so it's just been the 3 of us. I made a nice little dinner and put Bella in her little chair with her bottle while I did the dishes and cleaned up...Gabe was busy doing his favorite thing, which is coloring with his markers and playing legos. Well, I left for only a moment to go use the bathroom, and stopped in my laundry room to do a quick load of wash...the house seemed unusually quiet, and when it's quiet, it means someone is up to no good. I came back to check on Bella, and found Gabe drawing a masterpiece...on Bella's cute little face! I got mad, but had to laugh about it...she just laughed and smiled, so I had to get the camera out and post a pic of Gabe's artwork!



  1. That is so funny! She looks so cute, even with the scribbles all ove rher face!

  2. YAY, YAY, YAY, and YAY!!!! I'm excited you have started a blog. Lindz said she started one too but I need to go over and show her all the tricks. If you have any questions just ask!! Oh and Poor Bella, I bet Gabe thought he was being really sly huh??

  3. That is hilarious. She looks like she took it like a good little sis. No wonder Gabe likes her so much.

  4. That is always how it is!! Once, I couldn't hear Kaden at all and I found him drawing with marker on the wall. :)
