Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall is in the Air

It's been a long time since I've been on here so I thought I'd write a quick post on things. The boys started school a couple months ago...Kaden is in 6th grade now, and Gabe started Kindergarten. School seems to be going well for the both of them, the only thing we have a hard time with is the year round schedule. I think it's harder for me to adjust to than the boys, I don't like these long break-time intervals! Other than that, things are good.

Bella's 2nd birthday was yesterday, which is so hard to believe. Seems like it was just yesterday that I gave birth to her. She is such a joy to our family, and I love having her here. Having a girl is a completely different experience than a boy. I have to admit, it's been funner for me. She's a true girly-girl. Loves to dance, dress up, play with her dolls, etc...definitely like her mom! Don't get me wrong, little boys are fun, but I can relate with her so much more than the men of the house. I love it!

Anyways, for her birthday we made some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and Aaron made some tasty chili for dinner. Afterwards we took some cake and ice cream over to Lindsay's and she opened her presents. She got lots of cute outfits for the season which I can't wait to try on her. Her absolute favorite gift was a Jessie doll from Toy Story and a Pillow Pet...It was fun watching her little face light up as she opened them, last year she was too young to really understand but this year she knew this was her special day, it was all about her! I will post some pics on here in a little bit when I have more time.


  1. I have to say I was really excited to see you post on your blog Melissa! If you didn't know I have started a blog for Brian and I and it is I can't believe Bella is already 2 either. She is such a sweet girl. I definitely hope when Brian and I decide to have kids that I will at least get 1 girl. Love ya!

  2. YEAH! It's about time. LOL Lets have a blogging party and get Chan up to speed. Love ya.
