Alot has happened in the past few months, so I thought I'd take a minute to update everyone here on my blog...After living in our house for the past 7 years, we decided to move. Our payment was just too high, and we felt like we were holding onto this house and putting all our money into it when it wasn't something we were planning on staying in. We always knew we wanted to move someday and possibly build a dream home or find something that fit our family just a little bit better. It was a very difficult decision, but necessary and for the best. I have to say though, I hate moving more than anything. I can't believe all the stuff we had! And I even got rid of alot, but we still have so much stuff, and alot of stuff we don't even use...It was nice to get rid of some it, but I still think we could've parted with more. Anyways, moving seemed like a neverending battle, I thought I would never get done with unloading box after box and finding places for everything, but I did! We had alot of help from friends and family, and I am forever grateful to everyone that spent the time helping us move, since it wasn't the easiest for us emotionally and also physically, so for those who helped, I can't thank you enough!
Our new place has a ton of storage, which is very nice. Speaking of new place, we live in Sandy now, very close to my sister Lindsay's house now, which is nice. The house we're renting isn't the most desirable, but it'll do for a year. We plan on fixing our credit (and it needs a TON of working on) this next year so we can move and own our own place again...I already am disliking the whole renting thing. It just doesn't feel like "our home" when your renting, and it's just not as personable or nice. But I also have come to realize that it doesn't matter where you reside, what makes your home is the family that makes it "home". And I am so grateful to have my husband and 3 little ones who are my "home"...
What a nice post, Melissa. Can't wait to see your new place. Love you!