Mother's Day was this last Sunday, and it turned out perfect...well, minus the weather. It was rainy and cold, but I guess we can't always have everything go the way we want it...Anyways, as usual, the kids and hubby let me sleep in til' 10am, something I don't get to do very often! Aaron also took the kids to pick me up my favorite breakfast, which consists of a breakfast burrito from Beto's and a large Horchata...yum!!! The kids also presented me with cards, gummy bears, and coke! Aaron gave me a couple new workout tops and a new swimsuit to start out the season. He always has such great taste! My absolute favorite gift was a picture that Gabe made of me and him, along with a wooden flower magnet he had created in his Kindergarten class, as well as a little cookbook the class made together of what their favorite meal is that their mother's make. Very funny and cute to read! I love how little minds think!
Later on we went over to my Mother's house for dinner with all the siblings and their family's. With the weather being bad, we couldn't go outside, so it was a little too chaotic but nice to see everyone. We all went in and got my mom a new patio swing for her back yard...perfect gift for her...After the Cumming's party, we went to the Pehrson's for some navajo tacos, I was stuffed to say the least! Sometimes I wish I could just stay home on Mother's Day and kick my feet up, but it wouldn't be the same without stopping over to my mom's and Aaron's house to see our Mom's, isn't that what Mother's Day is for??
Lastly, we finally made it home around 8pm, so I finally got to relax and rest for the remainder of the day. I've gotta say, Mother's Day is such a fun day for me, I love being a mother and treasure the memories I get to keep with my children...I always wanted to be a Mother. Although it can be so difficult at times, It's worth all the hard work and seeing the little extensions of myself blossom and grow. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world, and feel so blessed I get the most important role of being a Mother.